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Open – Sustainability self-assessment questionnaire – Bern Economic Development Agency

Why this questionnaire?
One of the priority objectives laid out in the Bernese Government’s 2023-2026 legislative program is to strengthen sustainable development.

With this questionnaire, the Economic Development Agency provides companies with a simple tool for inventorying the commitments and actions they have already implemented in the three categories of Governance, Society, and Environment. This questionnaire is open to and voluntary for all companies looking for a way to take a quick snapshot of their position on sustainability issues.

The questionnaire contains a total of 24 questions divided into three categories:
– Governance
– Society
– Environment

How to answer the questions
For each question, you should assess to what extent the statement corresponds to what has been implemented within your organization.

Yes: The statement perfectly corresponds to what has been implemented in your company. You recognize your company in several of the examples mentioned.

Mostly yes: The statement partially corresponds to what has been implemented in your company. One of the examples has been implemented and/or similar measures have been implemented.

Mostly no: The statement corresponds poorly to what has been implemented in your company. However, some measures are being implemented or will be implemented in the upcoming year.

No: The statement does not correspond to what has been implemented in your company. There are no plans to implement measures relating to this theme in the upcoming year.

In each question, there is a required field in which you should indicate the measures your company has taken (unless your answer is “no”).

How to interpret the result
Each yes is worth 100%, a mostly yes 66%, a mostly no 33%, and a no 0%. The total result, also displayed in %, is an indicator of the overall degree of your company’s commitment to sustainability.

The Canton of Bern’s Economic Development Agency is happy to provide information to applicants who wish to undertake a sustainability initiative.

60 min


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